Heavenly Delusion Anime, is it Worth It?

Wanna add a new anime to your Watched-Anime List? In this article, I will be sharing my views on a very recent yet exceptional anime – Heavenly Delusion. So let us start 🙂

Heavenly Delusion Anime Review

Information Details
Total episodes 13
Release date 01/04/2023
IMDb 8.0
Where to watch Hotstar


The setting of Heavenly Delusion is in a post-apocalyptic world. The plot follows a stream of consciousness that is, it is told from two perspectives, one of the past and the other of the present. The present set follows a group of two people Maru and Kiruko, a boy and a girl respectively. There is no certainty in the background of Maru however Kiruko is one of the best racers who lives with her brother ( not blood-related)named Haruki. Haruki once was attacked by some goons however a man named Robin Inuzaki saved him from them. Haruki always wanted to spend time with Robin but Robin disappeared into the thin air. Meanwhile, Haruki noticed a man-eater in Kiruko’s car race, he tried to kill it but got killed himself.
The past set involves an academy named Takahara Academy Facility. There are many children in the facility who are untouched by the world outside. The children do not know anything about gender and outside the world. All they knew was that the facility was heaven and outside everything was hell. In the facility, there is a boy named Tokio, which further reveals that Tokio is a girl, not a boy because she gets pregnant by Kona.

Meanwhile, Maru and Kiruko are in search of a heavenly place. They face a lot of struggles during the journey. Amidst the journey, Maru confesses his feelings for Kiruko, however, Kiruko rejects him saying that i a boy. Kiruko further continues by saying that I have the brain of a boy named Haruki( her brother). So practically she won’t feel anything towards Maru or any other boy.
The literal meaning of Heavenly Delusion is when something is expected as Heaven but in the true sense, it is nothing like that.

Maru and Kiruko are looking for heaven, which is Takahara Academy Facility. But in reality, the Facility is not heaven, because the children inside, are kept untouched from the outside world and also kept away from their rights. That is one of the reasons why the anime is titled Heavenly Delusion. Another reason why it is titled Heavenly Delusion is because the children dwelling inside the walls of the facility are told that this is the heaven and outside world is hell.

The outside world had been destroyed by man-eater creatures. The main two man-eater creatures are Hiruko and Kuku, the former is a monstrous fish with legs, and the latter monstrous fish with hands. Maru and Kiruko, during their journey to find heaven, fight a lot of these creatures and with the help of a laser gun, Kiruko can make any huge thing fall in an instant and the Maru uses his ability to touch the chest of the man-eater to reach his core that is heart to kill it in an instant. Towards the end of the anime, Kiruko is in search of Robin Inuzaki, and when she finally finds him, she becomes very happy. Robin tells her to take a shower, and amidst that Robin cuffs her hands harasses her sexually, and reminds her about his dreadful past. Robin also tells her how Haruki’s brain was transplanted into her. She meets trauma by facing her behavior of Robin. Maru when comes back after some errand, he was shocked to see Kiruko in this situation. He beats the pulp out of Robin.

The Takahara Academy Facility gets attacked and the children living there run outside the world. The facility decides to hand over the child to Tokio which she bore. It is at this time that it is revealed that Tokio is the mother of Maru and that is the reason why Tokio and Maru resemble to other.

It is a very short anime and can be completed within two days. It covers the themes of dark fantasy and the human psyche. One can enjoy this anime and can watch it in one go. To understand this anime, it is compulsory to watch it without skipping a second.

Final Thoughts on Heavenly Delusion

Heavenly Delusion is a paradoxical title as Heaven contains positive meaning while Delusion contains negative meaning.
However, the anime is must watch for all types of anime fans.

What is the plot of Heavenly Delusion?

Maru and Kiruko are looking for heaven, which is Takahara Academy Facility. But in reality, the Facility is not heaven, because the children inside, are kept untouched from the outside world and also kept away from their rights. That is one of the reasons why the anime is titled Heavenly Delusion. Another reason why it is titled Heavenly Delusion is because the children dwelling inside the walls of the facility are told that this is the heaven and outside world is hell.

Is Heavenly Delusion worth watching?

Yes, Heavenly Delusion is a must-watch. Because the plot is very unique and intriguing from the rest of the animes. It gives unique vibes.

How many episodes are in Heavenly Delusion?

The season one of the anime has 13 episodes.

Where to watch Heavenly Delusion Anime?

You can watch it on Hotstar.

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